Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Deinstallation of EMR's is the new trend?

In the August 2009 issue of Healthcare IT News, Molly Merrill discusses how deinstallation of EMR's has become a trend.

According to a report by Health Leaders-InterStudy, the Arizona area has seen a particularly high rate of deinstallation of EMR's recently. Arizona has been one of the leaders in EMR adoption since 2005 mainly because of pressure from political figures and a shortage of doctors in the state. In fact, Arizona's EMR adoption rate is high at around 20% compared to some lower areas around the country at 10%.

Because Arizona was part of the 'early adopter' movement, they now find themselves in the situation where they have paved the way but are feeling the repercussions. Many physicians have been dissatisfied with EMR companies' support and functionality. In addition, training was weak and usually given as a one time event. Now, with the congressional requirement for 'certification' and the CCHIT being the only agency left to certify EMR's, many early adopters are finding that they must deinstall what they have been using and then install another.

In one way, deinstallation can be viewed as a failure of a system. However, taking into consideration all of the above, I think this increased rate of deinstallation of EMR's really represents evolution--EMR 2.0!

Jonathan S. Ware, MD

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